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Privacy policy

The purpose of policy is to respect your privacy concerning any information we may collect while you are playing. Consequently, we have developed this Privacy Policy to ensure that you know how we handle the data. In this Privacy Policy, "data" means any data that may identify you (alone or in combination with other data), such as your name, profile image, and data for analysis and attribution to the use of the services.

1. What data are we processing

Data we may collect when you use our service :

  • Data about your location, device type, operating system and platform, page load time, network, unique browser id, demographics, a chosen nickname, games you have played, the reference origin, and the IP address.
  • How many times you visit the Picguessr
  • The amount of time you spend on Picguessr
  • Text and words interactions in-game

2. The purpose of data collection

  • To improve our Services
  • To ensure you comply with our terms
  • To enhance the Services for analysis and reporting purposes and to provide technical support or answer your questions, including the data used to record any failures in our provision of the Services. Therefore, we can report such interruptions
  • To provide contextual advertisements that are of interest to you

3. Legal bases

We consider the following legal bases for data processing:

  • When the use of your data is required to execute our obligations under a contract with you. (e.g., to comply with our Service Terms)
  • When the use of your data is necessary for our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of others
  • When the use of your information is needed to comply with legal obligations or exercise rights

4. How we process data

The data we collect from you may be transferred and stored outside the United Kingdom or the European Economic Area (EEA), such as the USA. This transfer is required to host the Services, provide other supporting services, and allow you to use our Services deliberately.

We use third parties to help us manage your information and services, customer service providers to host the game and database, and marketing companies to manage the advertising that appears to you. We may share non-personal information with third parties, such as aggregate user statistics, demographic data, and Usage Information. We may remove data elements, such as an e-mail address or other Login Information as previously defined, and summarize or aggregate the remaining information to analyze web traffic trends, preferences, and activity across the Service. The resulting operational data is no longer considered Personal Information.

5. Data for Advertising

We use third-party advertising companies to serve advertisements and provide collected data to help implement ads when you visit or use our Services. We also use analytical web tools such as Google Analytics to interpret your use of our Services.

6. Use of Cookies

We may use "cookies" to improve the user experience. Your web browser is responsible for controlling and sharing your information through cookies. These cookies enable us to hold session information as you navigate our Services, improve your experience, and track and analyze usage and other statistical information.

7. Storage

We will keep the data as long as it is relevant and valuable for its originally collected purpose and, otherwise, when required by law.

8. Data protection

We are committed to the safety of your information. Here are some measures we take to improve it:

  • Highly safe server access architecture
  • Internal policy of restricting access to the server's data

Although we strive to protect your data and privacy, no security method or firewall can be guaranteed to protect information from hackers or human error. Consequently, we expressly disclaim responsibility or liability for the loss, theft, destruction, or inadvertent disclosure of your data.

9. Legal Disclosure

We may transfer and disclose information, including your Data, Usage Information, and Device Identifier, to third parties to comply with certain legal obligations when we believe in good faith that the law requires it. It may include: the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation; to verify or enforce applicable terms or other applicable policies; to respond to an emergency; or, otherwise, to protect the rights, property, safety, or security of and our customers and others.

10. Request data deletion

Please contact us at when you have questions about these privacy policies or request a copy or deletion of your data. Your request and choices may be limited in some instances. For example, fulfilling your request would reveal information about another person or ask to delete information that we are permitted by law or have compelling legitimate interests to keep.